The story of most animals around the world

                 On a cold, rainy evening, a pup sat shivering, on the porch of a rundown shop, hungry and lost. He was barely a month old and had been forcibly separated from his mother. His mother had been killed by some people in the neighborhood that he was born in. They gave her poisoned food and being the hungry mother of seven pups, she gobbled it up, thinking about how nice these humans were. She died soon after. Most of his siblings died too. Others were lost, or run over by the fast-moving vehicles. But of course, he was too young to understand any of this. He sat over there, hoping with all his heart that his mother would come and feed him. He had previously been chased by little boys who threw sticks at him and had been frightened a bus which honked very loud and almost ran him over. He was tired and worn out. His ear was aching, from an infection that he had gotten some time ago.  Hours passed, and he soon started drifting in and out of consciousness.
             Meanwhile, a little girl from across the street, stared through the window while a tear rolled down her cheek. She wanted to bring the pup to her house, give it some warm milk and a soft rug. She knew about what had happened to his mother. She understood his pain because even she had lost her mother very young. But, her dad wouldn't allow her to go outside. He said that it was a street dog and knew how to survive. But the little girl knew that the dog was sick. She went to bed, helpless. 
             The pup died that night, due to being cold and hungry, thinking how no one cared or noticed him shivering, thinking about his mom and siblings, and how he wanted to be in one of the houses across the road, warm and comfy.
            The next morning the little girl woke up to a bright morning. She put on her gumboots first thing in the morning and ran to where she remembered having seen the pup last night. But she was greeted by a lifeless body, cold, limp and sad, thin as a twig but smaller than boots. She lifted him and cradled his lifeless body, crying " Oh I am sorry for having been a bad girl. I should have helped you. But now you are dead, and it was my mistake." She buried him later that day in her backyard and promised that she will never let another dog meet such a fate. She grew up to be an internationally known animal activist and saved thousands of lives, but, the guilt for not having helped that pup, she carried to her deathbed.

Hey guys! I know that this story is not very impressive and is almost a story for children. It is written in the simplest English, but it is inspired by a similar incident that took place in my apartment. I have tried my best to portray the pain that many animals go through all around the world and I hope that this story will make people realize that animals too have feelings and their lives matter too. I hope you liked it because I poured out my feelings towards this incident. I cried while writing, so I hope that you liked the realism in this story. Bye guys! Love you and thank you for supporting me!
P.S : Follow me for more!!! Please!!!!! :)


  1. Extremely touching Avantika.... Never stop writing..

  2. Awesome ����

    Guess who I am btw

  3. Wow, reduced to tears. Can you tell me what inspired you?

  4. Aviatika, the narrative thoughtfully weaves a simple account of events that have transpired, but at the same time it evokes a cocktail of emotions.

    This article aptly captures the plight of stray animals , especially the newborns in an urban landscape - the visualization of insensitivity is implicitly woven and touches a raw chord.

    Good write-up and I shall look forward to more such features being published in the future.

    All the Best to the new age writer..!!!

    1. Apologies Avantika...!! Got your name wrong, a beginners mistake. But I am sure, the way you evoke thoughts as a writer, you have a fantastic journey ahead...!!!

    2. Thank you so much for this comment!!! Gives me the motivation to continue!

  5. This was really very touching.....It brought me to tears.The way you have expressed the emotions and how they affect readers like me show how wonderful a writer you are.
    It was just amazing.
    Keep up the good writing!!
    Never stop writing wonderfully! :)

  6. Firstly,there is nothing like simple English,when you are writing you just need to let your thoughts flow.Just using bombastic words does not add value to a writing,it's the spontaneity and coherence that matter and you have done a splendid job,I really enjoyed reading it.Try watching the movie "Benji" on Netflix based on a similar idea,I think you will appreciate it


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