Since quarantine has started, I realized, that this global pandemic is not only teaching doctors and the governments, but it has taught the common man, like you and me, a lot of things too. So I decided that in this post of mine, let us take a step back and see what this pandemic has taught us. Also at the end check out some facts about COVID - 19. Ok, so now lets list and evaluate the things that I have learned:

1) Dependence on technology
. Without the current technology, how would life function?  Without e-stores selling groceries and other essentials, there would have been an increase in the number of cases and a shortage of goods due to panic buying. Also, can we take a moment to talk about what a blessing online consultation with a doctor is? And even though online classes might not be as much of a blessing to us students, it is actually very useful.

2) The struggle of daily wage workers
 The majority of India's population comprises of daily wage earners who can barely make ends meet, and now since they have been dismissed, most of India's population is struggling to get one square meal a day. 

3)The real heroes
We can all agree to the fact that in this global crisis, the real heroes are the doctors and the nurses who are working relentlessly to help people. They too have a family like us, but they have put us as their first priority. Apart from them, we have news agencies working to bring to us any input from WHO, the plans of the government regarding the lockdown, etc. We also have many more people helping us out at every instant.

4)The rush
COVID-19 has taught us and shown to us the rush we are always in to do something. Most of us don't take the time to take a step back and just reflect upon life. This pandemic has taught us that there are many ways to engage time apart from gluing ourselves to our screens. Many people have started to cook, read, learn something new, practice dance or music, start a garden, write and o much more. COVID has brought our families closer and has given us a chance to relax

5)The Earth
This pandemic has also given the Earth a chance to recover. The pollution levels are low,  animals have started to come out, the waters are cleaner due to the shutting down of factories and I could go on forever. But most importantly, the Earth has shown us who is more powerful.

That's it for today! And sorry for not posting for a long time. And can you please subscribe? If you do, comment down below, and also say what you next want to read about, and one or two lucky people will be chosen by me and I will write on their preferred topic!


  1. Hmm is good but I don't really agree with the online classes being useful. Anyhow, the rest of the content is actually really nice.

    If you invariably end up picking me, you should post on the different viruses that have plagued countries for so long like Ebola, Nipah, H1N1, Spanish Flu etc.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The content that you have written is really great and also really relatable. Great job on that!! :)

    And if you choose to pick me, I would like you to write about how, over the years, incidents like this have made us realise, that mother nature is so much more powerful than we are. These incidents may include the Spanish flu, the major volcano eruptions, the major earthquakes, and so on.

    Anyway, keep up the good writing!!

  4. Extremely informative.....and really true.....Keep exploring!!!!

  5. Hey guys, since we are still starting out small, I will wait for a couple of more days before I pick a comment and not going to lie, I am a little busy. Also I have a small request, can you recommend this blog to other people? Also, do you wanna see more science related stuff?

    1. Umm, by science-related if you mean like gadgets and tech, definitely! Also, whose did you end up picking???


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