I had a very true-hearted friend

When skies were grey, he was my ray of light and hope

He made me feel like nothing was impossible

He was indeed a true companion of mine

 For all of this he never really asked for a price

All he wanted was my love and time

For he was my little friend, Spike 

Half a retriever and half a lab

 His heartwarming eyes always looking about curiously

The moment I set foot in the house, his bark welcomed me

And all he cared for was me

For he was my little friend, Spike

 One autumn dawn, when we went for a stroll

His eyes started to roll

And I screamed, screamed as the world around me seem to fall apart

For what I saw was his mouth full of froth,

His perished body on the garden floor,

His once loving eyes now fixed in a lifeless, cold stare

 And I knew my little friend Spike

Would comfort me no more

Would bark and welcome me no more

My sunshine, my happiness would come back to me no more

For my little friend, Spike was no more.


This was a poem I wrote quite a while ago. My schedule is a little tight at the moment, so I decided to post this one. Hope you like it. And don't forget to follow and leave a comment down!



  1. Woah, good job with the poem portraying the qualities of human-canine friendship but I do not like the ending. It is too unhappy. Anyhow, wonderful :)

  2. Good job!!I certainly did not expect that transition from joy and happiness to sorrow and despair...…
    Anyway, its a truly wonderful read :))

  3. Truly Touching ......Felt extremely good to read.....wanna keep on reading it....

  4. Heart touching 😍
    Loved it.
    Keep writting


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