Two travelers plodded along in the dust and snow
sometimes they would see the sun
sometimes the skies were grey and cold 
sometimes the road was lined by gardens,
beautiful flowers and birds that sung;
but sometimes all they passed for miles were deserts
and felt that all hopes were lost
for they were travelling along the road of life
where joy and misery  were by everyone crossed

Once they came at a crossroad
where one path they saw
was well traveled and worn.
Whereas the other looked untraveled and secluded
the path well worn was taken by all
but gave joy to a few
Whereas the latter,
remained unexplored and desirable
The first man was  told to not take risks
and follow others leads
So he, without a second thought
took the path of the common man
later he regretted all his life
for he did not get joy
from his daily life toil

But the second held back and thought
"is this what I want?"
he took to exploring
and not only found joy
but a life he began adoring
where to him the skies were blue
and the nature all green and its hues
he was happy and regretted little
and told his kids later
that risks do make the journey of life better

By Avantika (ME!!!!!)



  1. Wow, good job! Keep posting :)

    Can you please post about some easy -to-do recipes???

    Thank you

    1. Thanks Rhea! will do a recipe post soon!

  2. OMG this is so good. I love this poem. I really like literature. I have heard a similar one,'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost, but yours is my preferred variation. Could you do one on William Shakespeare?He is my favourite author.

    1. Thank you so much Myra! This means so much to me. This was inspired by him. Can you tell me what you want on Shakespeare?

  3. It's amazing!! Good job!!
    Keep posting such wonderful writings :-)

  4. Very crisp and we'll written Avantika. You have brought out the essence of what life throws at all of us ...the path well trodden seldom brings you the adventures we all seek .. hidden in our hearts. Keep writing and keep reading. You make us proud.

  5. Awesome...writing poetry is so much tougher than writing prose and you have done a splendid job at it...kudos little blogger

  6. I can almost draw a picture in my conscious mind while your poem takes me along a meandering road


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